Connect the Dots Movement
Connect the Dots Movement is een landelijk community-platform en netwerk. We brengen creatieve muzikanten, schrijvers en makers bij elkaar om verhalen te delen en anderen te inspireren. Wij zijn een onafhankelijke label voor (hiphop) artiesten. De diversiteit aan artiesten is groot, maar allemaal staan ze voor één ding: kunst creëren op een positieve en inspirerende manier, waar jong en oud zich aan op kunnen trekken. Het doel: meer positieve rolmodellen creëren door artiesten met een sociaal-maatschappelijke boodschap een podium te bieden.
Young people with a passion for music & awareness
Blessings! We are Amby and Yao, the founders of the Connect The Dots Movement Foundation. Our corporate purpose is to contribute to and raise our general awareness. In addition, we like to trigger the common sense and the creative and spiritual spirit of young and old!

Young people with a passion for music & awareness
Blessings! We are Amby and Yao, the founders of the Connect The Dots Movement Foundation. Our corporate purpose is to contribute to and raise our general awareness. In addition, we like to trigger the common sense and the creative and spiritual spirit of young and old!

Do you also feel the passion to stimulate others through creativity & awareness?
Let's Connect the Dots and start a Movement!
We are aware of the negative programming of our current society. We ourselves fell prey to this in our teenage years. Fortunately, we had the willpower and mindset to wake up from this and see its damage. For this reason, we like to dedicate ourselves to the young and old who want to be (more) conscious in life!
"We are doing this for the next 7 generations, the young are the future!"
Within the CTD Network are various creative artists with specialties such as writing, drawing, dancing and singing. Many of them also offer workshops and courses for children, young people and adults. We are also happy to help with neighborhood events. Feel free to contact us for the possibilities!
The Network of CTD Movement consists of various artists and other creative organizations and institutions. The artists within our network have 1 thing in common. Their lyrics are positively stimulating in nature. No unnecessary talk about violence, drugs and sex or the glorification of this lifestyle.
The Positivity Network
The Positivity Network is a branch of CTD Movement in which we offer outpatient care, personal coaching and various programs in the field of mental health. The Positivity Network is for young people and young adults who want to be conscious and positive in life. We offer tailor-made advice and guidance to create more balance and development and thus achieve the best version of yourself. We do this by means of coaching, information and by providing various useful tools. We also offer training courses for coaches and social service providers.

Ons bestuur bestaat uit;
Joël van der Putten (voorzitter)
Sabrina Mooren (penningmeester)
Nicky Daved (secretaris)